Religious Education

Religious Education

Why we teach your child religion:

Our aim is to provide an enriching RE curriculum which guides our pupils spiritual, moral and cultural compass in the community. To ensure depth, we teach the principles and practices of the world's major faiths. We continually encourage our children to explore and discuss shared and different practices, whilst also reflecting on their individual faith, identity and belonging in the community. Throughout their learning in R.E. lessons, we aim for children to have a secure understanding that we live in a multi-faith society and encourage acceptance and appreciation of such diversity.

What our curriculum looks like:

Our Religious Education curriculum is holistic, and this starts right from Nursery. Using the content from our recommended local authority scheme and the Early Years Framework we have carefully sequenced our religion curriculum so children learn in a logical step by step manner. 

In religion we have six big ideas (faith, worship, rituals, connections, symbolism and community) and our curriculum is sequenced so children’s schemata can grow through the connection of new knowledge with previous knowledge. 

We have carefully mapped our curriculum, carefully considering some of the following:

  • Is the curriculum planned in accessible step-by-step manner so children can build on previous learning?
  • Are we enabling children to remember what is most important?
  • How does teaching in the Early Years introduce pupils to the study of religion?
  • At the end of year 6, do children have wide breadth of knowledge of religion and non-religious concepts?
  • Do children have meaningful visits to places of worship? Do outcomes of trips demonstrate understanding of the curriculum?
  • How does the curriculum provide pupils with the capacity to make sense of religion and views held by communities around the world?

Our RE curriculum long-term plan can be found below:
Click here for our RE curriculum overview

This is underpinned by a medium-term plan which sets out the core knowledge and skills children will be learning in their learning. 

Each unit of learning begins with a ‘thinking square’, which assesses the existing knowledge and misconceptions children may have against the core knowledge they need to learn. This then supports and informs the teaching of that unit. At the end of each unit, children will revisit this thinking square to build on existing knowledge and apply what they have learnt. Additionally, children will complete a ‘conceptual’ question which challenges them to apply their new learning in a more open religious context – this supports children to retain what they have learnt. 

How we teach religion: 

As with every subject, we recognise what makes religion unique, and as a result make pedagogical choices to ensure teaching is the best it can possibly be.

We have captured our pedagogical choice for religion in our R.E. principles which can be seen below: 

Principles of Teaching and Learning for Religious Education

How you can help your child at home:

EYFS and Key Stage 1 

  • Visit BBC Teach for short, animated clips about world religions.
  • Take a look at Charlie and the Blue short films, engaging children on religious traditions, places of worship and festivals.
  • As you travel, point out various Places of Worship and encourage children to describe what they see. 
  • At important family events such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays talk with your child about the things your family does at these. Talk about how your practices might be similar to/different from those of others.

Key Stage 2 

  • Visit KS2 Religious Education - BBC Bitesize for a useful overview and breakdown of world religions. 
  • Encourage your child to put litter in a bin/bring it home. Go along with your child on a community litter pick. Help them to take pride in their local community. Link these actions to your and your child’s values and help them to recognise how values, behaviours and consequences are linked.
  • On walks in your local area, you may pass religious buildings and discuss what you think (or know) happens in them. There may be war memorials close by for example, and you could discuss remembrance practices. 
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